The Busy Mom’s Toolkit for Teen Anxiety

What you need to know to help your teen become more self-managing

Download our FREE guide to become your anxious teen or young adult’s wellbeing champion.

It contains vital, research-backed information that’ll have you feeling more empowered than ever, hopeful and no longer feeling helpless to their big emotions or questioning whether you’re making their anxiety worse.

This is a must-read for every mom who struggles with an anxious teen or young adult and wants to help! 

Matt is a wonderful coach who walks alongside his client with patience, understanding and expert guidance.

I want to thank Jess for her firm yet gentle approach with my daughter, and opening her eyes to new possibilities.

Something that every human should have in order to overcome challenges and lead a fulfilling life.  

In this 40-page guide, you’ll discover:

  • Why anxiety is NOT just a chemical imbalance and why this is good news for your child.
  • The secret equation that’ll transform your understanding of anxiety forever.
  • The 2-fold process to treat anxiety even if you’re not a psychologist or coach.
  • 18 research-backed strategies to overcome anxiety and fuel confidence.
  • 10 best natural supplements to ease anxiety and have your child feeling their best.
  • The resilience program for teens and young adults that Cape Town moms are raving about.

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